09:21 mickz 0 Comments


It's been a very long time since I've done this.

For those that actually do read my posts i really appreciate your feedback it actually enables me to continue writing.

Well like i said I'm back and back with a lot of things to say which could be seen as controversial but that's for you to decide. 

Its been a funny year with more downs than up's.

Seen and experienced things i thought would of never happen to me. 

Right now i can say I'm on my feet again but i couldn't have done it without the BIG MAN upstairs GOD and a few people that stuck by me.

I realised that faith isn't just praying in hope that he will answer your prayers. Its thanking GOD for what he's about to do even before he's actually done it. 

Life is a funny thing but i will elaborate in other posts in the upcoming weeks/months hmmm.... wait maybe when I'm done with exams i'll just bombard you guys with post after post.

So until then thank you for being patient with me.